
Old Stage, Green Hall

Watch the trailer
A musical journey from Yekaterinburg to Moscow and back, non-stop, running time: 1 h 35 m, prime March 19, 2010
Ticket price range 3000—30000 rub.
  • Author of the Route: — Boris Ryzhy
  • Director — Yury Butorin
  • Designer — Vladimir Maximov
  • Costumes — Valeria Kurochkina
  • Lighting Design — Vladislav Frolov
  • Composer — Sergei Nikitin
  • Dance Сoach — Ramune Khodorkaite
  • Stage Manager — Tatyana Seredina
  • Singing Coach — Tatyana Burel
  • Music Coach — Marina Raku
  • Editor — Galina Shmatova
  • Light — Anna Inozemtseva
  • Sound — Dmitry Belobrov, Irina Dvoinikova
  • Properties — Alla Sedakova, Yana Bereznitskaya
ВНИМАНИЕ! Во время действия спектакля, выполняя поставленные режиссёром творческие задачи и ремарки автора, артисты курят на сцене. Просим учесть эту информацию, планируя посещение данного спектакля.
Upcoming Performances

November, 6, 19:00

Purchase tickets

“Ryzhy” is a theatrical trip through space and time. The time is the end of the 1980s and beginning of the 1990s. “Those fabulous years”, when “we lived poorly but so well.”

The creators got rid of the customary structure “stage-and-auditorium,” instead setting a small amphitheater for the audience up on the revolving platform. “Beware, the train is taking off!” — and the public begins its journey from “stop” to “stop,” from one location to another. At each of the musical journey’s stations, you can find the signs of the real city of Yekaterinburg (formerly Sverdlovsk). The creators had tried to translate Boris Ryzhy’s poetic inflections to the language of theater with utmost caution.
Watching “Ryzhy”, you see real human stories plunged into the history of the city and the world, mixed in and made into a single whole… The way it’s all done — sung, read, played, and danced — is a separate story. This is, perhaps, the only theater where actors can do such things with absolute professionalism, often attaining virtuosity. And at the same time they don’t look like they are working, it’s as if they simply exist in their natural environment.
Irina Alpatova, Culture

Characters and Cast

Plus: Pioneers, Park Statues, Hallucinations, People in Line, Old Woman Merchants, Patients at an Addiction Hospital, Citizens of Sverdlovsk.

Production Supervisor — Yevgeny Kamenkovich


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